Answers: Part 2

Why did you start a blog?
I have never had a blog before diamanti and I guess that if Linnéa would'nt asked me to do one with her I have never started one either! But I'm glad Linnéa asked me:)

What type of characters are you?
Hard to answer by myself...but I'm a happy  person who love to spend all of my time with my friends!

Hou would you like to describe your style?
I would say that me and linnéa have pretty the same style, but i think I'm a little bit more into colours!

What do you do on your spare time?
Well, I love to be with my friends and go shopping or just relax,  I also fix a lot with my apartment. 

Who is your favourite designer and why?
Really hard question...I have a lot of favourite designers, maybe a mix of Alexander Wang and swedish designers like Ida Sjöstedt for example.

Present or in the past?
More present than in the past.

Which material thing would you like to have?
I miss a BIG mirror with a even BIGGER gold frame in my apartment.

Favourite TV-show and movie?
Right now I don't have a TV so I kind of miss all TV-shows haha. But I love Gossip Girl, SATC and The Hills. My favourite movie...I love all girly movies and also a lot of french movies, can't remember only one favourite right now!

How old are you? School/work?
I'm 17 in november, in school reading fashion/design.

An ordinary day for you?
Wake up, run to school because I always forget to go in time, study, be with my friends, sleep.


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